Monday, May 28, 2007


Can You see me? Bet you can't! I must be real good at this game!

Turtle Tales

The turtle said if I lay here patiently with my paws crossed and dream of a furever home my DREAMS will come true! I am dreaming real hard!

No Kidding

There ARE fish in here!

Getting Settled

I am getting settled into my foster home and hey have you seen this yard? There is so much to do here I really lucked out. There is a pond! And I heard there are fish in there. Oh boy real fish!.. Hey birds eat fish.. I like birds.... Hmmm Do you see the pointing potential here. This is a setter dream yard.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A New Beginning

This sweet boy will officially be 2 years old 12-5-07 or so his papers say. Dan was surrendered to a local shelter by his owner after he failed to hunt after being subjected to poor training methods. A wonderful IBR volunteer has agreed to help Dan overcome his botched beginning and to help him start becoming the wonderful boy he was meant to be.